Health insurers are cutting back considerably on physiotherapy coverage in 2018. Did you choose a supplementary health insurance policy because of the physiotherapy coverage? Then beware in 2018, a lot will change regarding physiotherapy coverage. Make sure you are not in for an unpleasant surprise. Familiarise yourself well with the changes. This is the time to switch!
Indeed, a large number of health insurers are cutting back on physiotherapy coverage from supplementary insurance policies as of 2018. The number of treatments covered is decreasing or the supplementary policy is going up in price. There are even insurers that no longer offer certain policies with comprehensive physiotherapy coverage.
Supplementary health insurance policies are being increasingly stripped down and made more expensive as fewer and fewer people have one. This year, 84 per cent of insured people have a supplementary package. That was 93 per cent in 2007.
Many of our patients rely on (comprehensive) cover for physiotherapy. Are you also covered by this? Then it is extra important to check whether you will still be reimbursed the same next year. Take a look at the overview of changes.
Roy van Wensen, initiator of explains:
" For many people, physiotherapy plays an important role in health. It is therefore very painful that the coverage of physiotherapy in the supplementary packages is being reduced by many health insurers or the entire policy is being scrapped. In addition, the supplementary insurance policies with reimbursement for physiotherapy are becoming increasingly expensive. A worrying development. People who are not planning to switch to another insurer would be wise to check whether their health insurance will still cover the same next year."
Below is an overview of the most drastic changes in physiotherapy reimbursement (as of 2018) among health insurers:
We will keep you updated on all developments surrounding the health insurance policies in 2018 over the next month. Go to to calculate which health insurance policy is most interesting for you in 2018.