Of course, nutrition is important for everyone but when you are an avid sportsman, you often need some extra energy. This energy is mainly found in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Besides these nutrients, it is of course also important to get enough minerals, vitamins and fibre and to drink enough. Sports nutrition and sports drinks are very important here!
Sports nutrition
Have you ever exercised with a full stomach? You have probably found this to be not so pleasant! Eating a heavy meal just before exercising is not a good idea. Your body will be too busy processing food at that moment and your sports performance will suffer.
So when is the best time to eat? It is best to have a full meal four to six hours before a race or heavy workout. If you opt for a lighter meal, you can eat it two or three hours before exercise. You can even eat a small, healthy and nutritious snack up to half an hour before exercise.
Do you exercise for hours at a time? Then it is vital to eat even while exercising. There are special energy bars for that or drinks that are high in sugar. In addition, bananas or wholemeal bread also provide enough energy!
Are you an avid athlete and could use help with your nutrition? Then we recommend asking a nutritionist for advice on good and healthy nutrition!
Sports drinks
Both before and after exercise, it is very important to drink. This is because a lack of fluids causes muscles to function less well.
Two to three hours before exercising, it is good to drink plenty of water. You can think of about half a litre to a whole litre. Even just before exercising it can't hurt to drink some water!
While exercising, feel free to drink water. However, pay attention to this when you have to make a prolonged effort. To avoid "hunger pangs", cyclists and marathon runners need extra sugars during exercise. They then often drink cola or special sports drinks to get more energy. However, this only applies when you exercise for more than an hour!
When to see the physiotherapist?
Have you suffered an injury or pain that occurs in your body while performing your daily activities? Then you can come to Fysiotherapie Amstelveen - FriskFysio! We will be happy to help you with the best suited treatment!