Do you often experience stress? Is the workload at work very high? Do you always keep going? Beware of getting burnout! Work-related stress is occupational disease number one in the Netherlands. Did you know that even 14 per cent of employees report burnout symptoms every year? Over 5 per cent are at home for an extended period (242 days on average). What is burnout, what does it do to your body and what can we do for you? Find out here!
Prolonged stress
Stress is important for everyone. Do you also always perform better during a period of stress? People need stress because it makes them more alert or to perform faster. However, stress requires a huge amount of energy from your body and when it persists for a longer period, you become exhausted. You have gone over your limit at that point, overloading you.
Common situations at work that can lead to overwork / burnout:
- Excessive workload
- A bad working atmosphere
- Limited control options
- Low rewards
- Being a perfectionist
- Not daring to say 'no'
- Doing more than you can
- Constantly wanting to prove yourself to others
- When a setback has occurred you step up every time
Do you recognise yourself in any of the above situations and are you often tired, sleep badly, brood a lot, are often tense or irritable, have concentration problems or often suffer from head and neck pain? Then it's time to raise the alarm!
Find distractions!
What can you do yourself to avoid burnout? Find distractions! Make sure you are not busy with your work all the time, even in your head! Do something you find relaxing. Cooking, exercising, watching a film or series, visiting friends/family or reading a book, for example
Notice that while you are relaxing, you are still thinking about your work? Then it is important to seek that peace and quiet anyway!
Relaxation and exertion
Besides taking enough rest, it is also important to keep moving! Could you use help with this? We are happy to help you get moving in a responsible way. If you put too much pressure on yourself, this can get in the way of your recovery. Get moving at Fysiotherapie Amstelveen - FriskFysio. We will gladly help you!