Moving is a broad term. What do you understand by exercise? A short walk? Spending an hour at the gym? Cycling to work? Walking up the stairs? For everyone, 'exercise' means something different, but this does not mean that it is less important for some than others. After all, exercise is good for everyone!
The positive impact of exercise on your body
That exercise is healthy, everyone knows by now. Unfortunately, not everyone moves enough and some hardly move at all. Here are the positive effects of exercise:
- Exercise is good for your brain. Regular exercise promotes blood circulation and that way more oxygen gets to the brain.
- By exercising, your body produces endorphins and serotonins. Both are known as happiness hormones, making you experience less stress in everyday life.
- To get and stay strong, it is important that bones continue to be loaded. The best way to keep your bones strong is to do a sport where the bones bear your weight, such as running.
- Regular exercise reduces the risk of diabetes, increased cholesterol, obesity, arteriosclerosis and has an effect on the main causes of heart disease.
- As a woman, do you often suffer and experience menstrual pain? Then get moving. Because when you are in motion the substance endorphins are released, this has a soothing effect on the pain and a calming effect on your mood. In the last phase of the menstrual cycle, you even burn more fat and can exercise for longer without getting tired!
- Hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia and irritability? Then you are probably in the menopause. Want to get rid of these symptoms? Then start moving more!
- Even if you have bowel problems, exercise can do no harm! You often don't always feel like exercising because of abdominal pain, but it has a hugely positive effect on your digestion.
Have the above complaints not yet motivated you to get moving? Perhaps it motivates you that several studies show that athletes feel better than people who do not exercise. In addition, they feel better about themselves and clearly radiate this. Athletes are also less likely to suffer from complaints such as back pain.
Do you need help to get moving?
If you need help getting moving, achieving sports goals, getting rid of your injury, taking you to the next level and providing you with advice and tips, then the physiotherapists at FriskFysio in Amstelveen are the place to be.
Get in touch
Our physiotherapists are at your service. Would you like more information or to schedule an appointment? Then you can do so by calling 085 5000 333, sending an e-mail to or by filling in the contact form on our website. Our physiotherapists are at your service!