Physiotherapist, Echographist, Shockwave therapist and Senior Physio Fitness trainer
Sports-specific complaints
knee and ankle complaints
low back pain
pelvic complaints
Shockwave therapy
Physiotherapy University of Cape Town, South Africa
Sports physical therapy
Dry Needling
Medical and kinesiotaping
Work experience:
Physiotherapist at FRISKFYSIO
Physiotherapist at Miranda Symons Physical therapy, South Africa
Physiotherapist for South Africa medical government
My profile:
I am Keren Krige and I am from South Africa. I have lived in the Netherlands for 3 years now with my husband and daughter. I completed my education at the University of Cape Town and then worked as a physiotherapist in South Africa for 3 years. I have a lot of experience with skeletal-related complaints and various other musculoskeletal conditions. I also have a lot of knowledge in the field of endurance in athletes. Sport is my passion, which is why I have completed several sports physiotherapy courses. I played at a high level myself and that is where my passion for physiotherapy started. I love working with people and find it encouraging that I can have a role in recovery after symptoms.
In my spare time, I do running, cycling, hockey, tennis and sailing. In addition, family and friends are very important to me.